Ottawa Black Mental Health Coalition
A network of Black Leaders
Our goal is to achieve a more equitable mental health system by improving access to culturally competent mental health support and resources, offering healthier outcomes Black residents in Ottawa.
A Message from our Executive Board
To enjoy life to the fullest and realize our full potential, it is important that we take care of our mental as well as our physical health. OBMHC makes this its priority for Black communities. We have worked very hard to put in place a framework, services and tools to support our communities towards greater well-being. Of course, there is still much to do!
I am very grateful for the efforts and achievements of OBMHC members to build together and inclusively a quality mental health system for our Black communities. To take care of one’s mental health means seeking a balance between all aspects of one’s life: personal, family, social and professional. OBMHC is here to support you while respecting your needs.
Papa-Ladjike Diouf, Clinical Supervisor
On behalf of OBMHC Executive Board
For more information on the Coalition’s Terms of Reference and initiatives, please contact OBMHC Coordination at: .

Connecting our community to mental health support and information
Our Coalition aims to inform a regional strategy that supports the resilience and recovery of diverse Black communities across Ottawa. Guided by an Executive Board and informed by our working groups, the Coalition works with community partners to:
- Improve access to mental health programs and support for Black residents in Ottawa and region
- Collaborate with community stakeholders to promote Black mental health and wellbeing
- Provide mental health and counselling support through partner organizations
- Advocate for change in mental health care that is centered around Black voices.
Knowledge Hub for Black Mental Health
Most of your service needs is based on the information you have, whether it is private or community lead. We culminate this data and give it directly to you.